On a recent walk at Bona Dea Park, I went by a picnic table right under a very big American Sycamore tree. I had noticed that for some reason these trees had shed more of their bark this year than in any years past that I can remember. The ground is literally littered with bark. But I also noticed a caterpillar walking on the picnic table. I took these photos of the caterpillar
. A Sycamore Tussock-Halysidota harrisii. They seem to be indigenous to these trees. With the caterpillar photos are photos of what the adult result is. A Sycamore Tussock Moth. I think both the caterpillar and moth are pretty. Also photos of a Sycamore tree and the scattered bark that these trees shed. Looks like the experts believe that the tree outgrows the bark in the middle section of the trees and breaks loose. Maybe due to the cooler, wetter weather we have had in this area this spring and summer, the trees are growing faster that usual.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
UPDATE FOR 05-03-2014
Mississippi Kite-Ictinia mississippiensis-On Old Shorty Trail-05-03-14. This is a bird love story. I was walking the trail
when I looked up in a tree and saw this female. I watched for a long time and then its mate flew down from nowhere and they mated and then he flew off. This happened 4 or 5 times and then they both flew off. Have never seen this specie in this area before. I only had an ipod for a camera. The poor photo is in the middle of the others which are borrowed photos of the mating process and the male flying over the female and close up of the front and back of a similiar bird. These photos shows it all exactly as it looked to me.
when I looked up in a tree and saw this female. I watched for a long time and then its mate flew down from nowhere and they mated and then he flew off. This happened 4 or 5 times and then they both flew off. Have never seen this specie in this area before. I only had an ipod for a camera. The poor photo is in the middle of the others which are borrowed photos of the mating process and the male flying over the female and close up of the front and back of a similiar bird. These photos shows it all exactly as it looked to me.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Update for 07-31-13
Saturday, March 30, 2013
You might want to check out this love affair with a African Ring Neck Dove. This taken on a visit to the Driftwood Nature Center at Lake Tenkiller State Park in Oklahoma, USA on 03-25-2013. Click on underline above.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Update 06-25-12

Boy it has sure been hot around here. Temp went to 108 degrees F. today. This was a record for this area. No rain in sight and the farmers and ranchers are hurting big time. Have not done much at Bona Dea lately as I cracked my right heel trying to kill myself by falling off my back porch. Now I have 2 bad wheels. Fell a couple of years ago at Bona Dea and have nerve damage in the other foot. But back on 06-13-12 I had the opportunity to go to a very remote area in the Upper Big Piney Wilderness Area in the Ozark Mountains. Mr. Paul Ray went along and took his camera and some photos. I have them posted on facebook here. They contain shots of a homestead over 100 years old. Old original furniture, insects, birds, trees, flowers and Piney Creek. The photos here shows just a sample and their descriptions can be found at the before mentioned link above. I have a photo of my great great maternal grandfather's home close to the same area that looks like this one. Also the last photos on the album are of Freeman Springs which is on hwy 7 North of Dover, AR, USA. My grandmother used to work there years ago when people came up there to take the mineral baths and stay at the hotel or ajoining cabins. The flower shown here and several in the album shows Moore's Larkspur which is only found in this area and no where else in the world. Once again, I hope you will visit this site and see something you won't see very often.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Bona Dea Update and Others

Bona Dea has been pretty busy these days with more and more people coming to the Park. I have been going late in day to avoid the traffic on the trails. There seems to be more and more Baltimore Orioles at the park this year than ever before. There is a very pretty male on Old Shorty Trail by the main parking area with his mate. Haven't either had a camera or haven't had a good shot of him. He like all others like to stay hid way up in the tree canopies. Haven't seen the Gator this year but haven't tried too hard. I heard it was seen earlier this year. In the past few weeks a friend of mine, Paul Ray, and myself have been going to other places to take some photos. He has a new Canon Full Frame camera and assorted lens and we have traveled around a bit. Last week we went to Mt. Magazine State Park, Arkansas USA and he took some photos.and I have been screening and editing them. I have a link highlighted in this sentence that will take you to the album. Take note of the very pretty Scarlet Tanager bird. He was high in the trees but turned out really well. I have attached the photo of it here. Also some good butterfly pics and many other birds as well. Old Big Foot was found up there and Paul was able to catch him running up the hill as he was mad his photo was taken. Click here for the album photos. A few weeks earlier we went to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, USA. That was an interesting trip also. Enclosed here is a Common Goldeneye female Duck and a Whitetail deer that was trying to hide from us. Mr. Ray had taken several some photos on other trips there and can be seen here. Last and probably least are blooms shown here of a Orange Jewellweed wildflower on Old Shorty Trail at Bona Dea. I just couldn't leave ole Bona Dea out of this post.
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